Theme: “I was a stranger and you took me in” — Pentecostal responses to the Refugee Crisis
2024 Program • Watch Plenary Videos
Theme: “In our own tongues” Amplifying Pentecostalism's Minoritized Voices
2023 Program
Theme: Advancing the Study of Pentecostalism: New Directions & Future Possibilities
2022 Program
Theme: "This Is My Body": Addressing Global Violence Against Women
2021 Program
Theme: Reception History: Receiving Scripture in the Pentecostal & Charismatic Traditions
2019 Program
Theme: The Good News of the Kingdom and the Poor in the Land
2018 Program
Theme: Pentecostalism and Culture
2017 Program
Theme: Worship, the Arts, and the Spirit
2016 Program
Theme: Global Spirit: Pentecostals and the World
2015 Program
Theme: Hermeneutics and the Spirit: Identities, Communities, and Making of Meaning
2014 Program
Theme: Holiness
2013 Program
2012 Program
Theme: Receiving the Future: An Anointed Heritage
2011 Program
Theme: New Voices, New Visions: Future and Hope of Pentecostal Theology
2010 Program
Theme: Pentecostal/Charismatic Intersections: What Does the Spirit Have to Say Through the Academy?
2009 Program
Theme: Sighs, Signs, and Significance: Pentecostal and Wesleyan Explorations of Science and Creation
2008 Program
Theme: The Role of Experience in Christian Life and Thought: Pentecostal Insights
2007 Program
Theme: Memories of The Azusa Street Revival: Interrogations and Interpretations
2006 Program
Theme: That Which We Have Received We Now Pass On: Spirit, Word, and Tradition in Pentecostalism
2005 Program
Theme: Pentecostalism and the Body
2004 Program
Theme: Wesleyan/Pentecostal Movements for a New Century: Crucial Choices, Essential Contributions
2003 Program
Theme: Pentecostalism and the World Church: Ecumenical Opportunities and Challenges
2002 Program
Theme: Teaching to Make Disciples: Education for Pentecostal-Charismatic Spirituality and Life
Theme: Pentecostal Mission at 2000: Issues Home and Abroad
Theme: Toward Healing Our Divisions: Reflecting on Pentecostal Diversity and Common Witness
Theme: Purity & Power: Revisioning Holiness/Pentecostal/Charismatic Movements for the 21st Century
Theme: The Fivefold Gospel
Theme: Memory and Hope: The Society for Pentecostal Studies at 25 Years
Theme: Affirming Diversity
Theme: To the Ends of the Earth
Theme: Drinking from Our Own Wells: Defining a Pentecostal-Charismatic Spirituality
Theme: Decades of Expectancy 1891-1900, 1991-2000
Theme: Continuity and Change in the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements
Theme: New and Old Issues in Pentecostalism
Theme: Pentecostalism in the Context of the Holiness Revival
Theme: Probing Pentecostalism
Theme: Azusa Street Revisited: Facets of the American Pentecostal Experience
Theme: The Distinctiveness of Pentecostal-Charismatic Theology
Theme: Toward a Pentecostal/Charismatic Theology: Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Theme: Pastoral Problems in the Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement
Theme: Gifts of the Spirit
Theme: The Spirit and Regeneration in John's Gospel
Theme: Contemporary Issues in Pentecostalism
Theme: The Holy Spirit in the Last Days
Theme: The Holy Spirit in the Community of Faith
Theme: Aspects of Pentecostal Practical Theology
Theme: The Biblical Basis of the Pentecostal Faith
Theme: The Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements: Where Are They? Where Are They Going?
Theme: The Third Force and The Third World
Theme: Aspects of Pentecostal Origins
Theme: Perspectives on the New Pentecostalism
Theme: Higher Education within the Pentecostal Perspective
Theme: Following the Spirit of Truth