Prayer is not merely a facet of Pentecostal theology and spirituality but its very heartbeat—the living voice that testifies to the Spirit’s indwelling presence. It occupies a central role in Pentecostal life, serving as the juncture where divine initiative meets human response, shaping both doctrine and practice, the communal worship of believers, and the personal devotion of individuals. This year’s annual meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies extends an invitation to scholars, pastors, academics, and students alike to explore the transformative power of prayer, attending to its profound mystery, complexity, and potential.
This conference seeks to honor prayer as a dynamic encounter with the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, who reshapes desires, redefines relationships, and equips believers for mission, renewing the church for the world’s benefit. Engaging prayer from diverse perspectives, the sessions will include historical investigations into its role in shaping Pentecostal identity and sparking revivals, biblical analyses illuminating prayer’s theological and narrative significance, and constructive theological reflections on its nature and its essential role in the interaction of divine and human agency. Cultural and pastoral discussions will emphasize the practice of prayer in specific church and ministerial contexts, offering practical insights into cultivating a robust prayer life individually and communally. Keynote addresses from leading voices, interdisciplinary panels, and interactive workshops will provide ample opportunities for thoughtful engagement and collaborative learning. Beyond the structured sessions, informal gatherings will allow for shared reflection and mutual encouragement among participants.
This conference is not merely an academic exercise but an invitation to reimagine the life of prayer in light of its Pentecostal roots and its potential to shape the future of the church and the Pentecostal movement. It challenges participants to consider what it means to pray in the Spirit within a fragmented and distracted world and how prayer might again serve as the wellspring of theological insight and ministerial faithfulness. These questions invite deep wrestling with prayer’s dual call to presence and action, empowered by the Spirit. As James affirms, “The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective” (James 5:16, NRSVUE). May this gathering inspire a renewed commitment to that reality in our shared life together.
“I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you...” (Luke 1:2).
To submit a proposal to the Program Committee for consideration for the 2025 Annual Meeting, you must willing to become a member of the Society prior to November 1, 2024. If you are a current member, your membership must be renewed for 2025 prior to November 1, 2024. If you need to apply or renew your membership, you may do so here. Only membership after October 1 of a given year applies through to December 31 of the following year.
All participants in panels, seminars, workshops and paper sessions at the Annual Meeting are required to be SPS members in good standing. Organizers of panels, seminars, and workshops must verify participants’ membership status by November 1, 2024. The membership status of individuals who submit proposals for paper sessions is verified by the Executive Director before the abstract is placed in the program. If you are not sure whether you have paid your SPS dues for the current year, you may check the membership directory on the members-only page of our website.
A waiver of the membership requirement may be requested from the Program Committee by the Interest Group Leader at the time the session is submitted for review if the participant in question is a scholar in a field not ordinarily associated with Pentecostalism. A waiver of SPS membership for participation in the Annual Meeting will be granted only once for any given individual. Such waivers may not be granted to a scholar who is either submitting an individual proposal to the Program Committee or who is responding to papers within an organizer-refereed panel or affiliated group. Requests for waivers should be sent directly to the SPS Executive Director.
All participants in sessions on the program, including nonmembers who have received a waiver of the membership requirement, must register for the Annual Meeting and pay the applicable fees no later than November 1, 2024.
Our ideal situation is to have the best possible program and to involve as many people as possible. An increased number of participants will strengthen the Society by including people and increasing dialogue opportunities. However, presenters are limited to one paper presentation at each annual meeting. If multiple paper proposals are submitted, only one will ultimately be accepted. You may also serve on a panel (including book review panels or panels on a given topic) even if you are presenting an accepted paper. You may also serve on the program as a chair and/or a respondent even if you are giving a paper and/or serving on a panel.
If you have been selected to present a paper at the annual meeting of the Society, you will be required to follow some guidelines. Download this archive: Sample Paper, unzip it and use either file to guide the formatting of your paper. (The file may download after you click this link without any further notification.)